Happy New Year Friday!

We had a very quiet start into 2018: in bed by 11:00pm after a good dinner (Thai gammon from Salads for all Seasons: sensational!)  and enjoyed what we could see of the London fireworks from our roof-top window (considerably less enthusiastic than to our neighbours who climbed onto the roof), recovering from a slightly stressful Christmas. And now we are already head over heals into cleaning up Christmas remainders and the traditional Apartment Therapy’s January Cure (sixth year I believe). It somehow takes the stress out if you don’t

have to clean everything before Christmas (why would you do that if you have to do it all over again in January??), when time seems to speed up towards Christmas (and this year it was rather intense with Christmas being on the 4th of Advent and us getting a bad cough/fever the week before). We customise the January Cure to suit our abilities/needs, so this weekend will be all about the bedroom instead of doing all the floors – well, the Christmas tree is still up (of course we missed out on today’s recycling pickup date) and we haven’t yet bought the grout refresher or booked the carpet cleaner (organisation??). Well, what you lack in organisation you have to make up in adaptation skills 🙂 So bedroom it is. What about you? Any plans for the weekend? Have a good one!
