Coping with a moth infestation

[su_dropcap style=”simple” size=”5″]D[/su_dropcap]ear, oh dear … Friday… welcome to my Friday office:

Normally, Friday is my home office day. I love home office days: I get so much done, without interruptions. And I can get a quick coffee from the kitchen at any time. And I get occasional dog cuddles and kisses! And… well, I just really like home office days.

However, today we’ve been exiled by moths! We spent hours over the past week (and early this morning, because – let’s face it – we’re last minute people…) bagging all our clothes and quite a lot of other things in black plastic bags. The friendly pest control man arrived this morning and now M, Micro and I have been exiled until carpets and furniture have dried after the treatment.

… and then the whole cleaning, unpacking, and clothes/duvet/blanket/pillow washing will start up again. To say we’re slightly dreading it would be a bit of an understatement (but being understated is a very English quality, isn’t it? And we’ve lived here for over 15 years, so there).

So this is my office for the day – I’ve perched myself at our local (not air conditioned) cafe and enjoyed an iced latte. And managed two conference calls and a bunch of online research so far. Not too bad for a Friday morning. I’m enjoying the sunshine and the hours I have until we need to start cleaning the house again 🙂

Wishing you a lovely summer weekend wherever you are!
