Dear Friday – August edition

A first August edition of Dear Friday! Are you ready for the weekend? I am! No noise from next door’s building site (at least none at all on Sunday), sleeping in (ehm, longer than 6.00am maybe, deal doggies?), long breakfasts or brunches (or both) and going to get my bike checked in our new favourite bike shop. I know, I know, it’s late in the year, but G found us a doggie basket for my bike and I am really looking forward to being able to cycle to the dog park – with the dog. It should help to get things done a bit faster and tire me out a little less. Finding a basket wasn’t an easy task, but once it’s here (it’s produced by a Canadian company) and tested, we will report back.

Unfortunately, all our favourite coffee shops / book shops seem to be a) closed for the month (refurbishment) or  b) gone on holiday – sniff. Task for this month seems to be to find new places to go with the doggie to escape the building noise. Oh, and of course, it needs to be doggie walking distance (he can take 30 minutes for 1 km, I checked that on my dog walking app … so you see my point for finding a bike basket).

On that subject, here are 16 ways to upgrade your iced coffee (do it while it’s still hot outside, if you wait until winter you’ll have to drink them in front of the space heater … not that it doesn’t happen anyway)

On the list of things people do during the summer before Memorial weekend or August Bank holiday, to stay British, is to paint. Now, I’ve done our hallway (not the communal one, just ours) and re-touched some of the other rooms, but here is a little inspiration if you are looking into doing that.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
